Registering and setting up a mobile device for enhanced accessCarrier Connect™Wi-Fi Thermostat Carrier Proprietary and Confidential CARRIER CORPORATION ©2017Installation Guide 13 All rights reservedUsing the Connect website or appAfter you register for an account, you can access the thermostat by using the app directly or through the Web can:• Monitor the thermostat operation• Set up occupied and unoccupied (holiday) schedules• Adjust setpoints• Share thermostat access with other users• Create groups of thermostats that you have registered• Create groups of thermostats that other owners have shared with you• Get online product information• Find local dealer supportTo navigate• On a touchscreen device, use any of the following:○ swipe the screen○ tap the arrow on the side○ tap a dot on the bottom of the screen on either side of the HOME button• On a non-touchscreen device, click on the gray arrow on either the side of the screen.• You can press or click to access the following drop-down menu:○ My Systems○ My Account○ Shared Systems○ Product Information○ Find and Expert○ Logout1 After logging in, a list appears of thermostats that you have registered and that have been shared with you.2 Click the CONFIGURE button .