Carrier Deluxe 58MVP Product Data
2be installed in upflow, downflow, orhorizontal positions covering up to24 different applications.The versatile 4-way multipoise designin conjunction with variable speedmakes the Infinity 96 is ideal for usewith split-system cooling, including2-speed units. A Carrier electronicair cleaner, humidifier,Thermidistat™, comfort ventilator,and Comfort Zone TM II will provideyear-round comfort and efficiency.Designed for durability, comfort,and reliability, the Infinity 96 is theultimate in versatile, efficient comfort.Carrier Infinity® System — Whenthe Infinity 96 variable-speed gasfurnace is matched with the InfinityControl and an air conditioner or heatpump, you will experience the ulitmatein ComfortHeat and Ideal Humiditythrough unparalleled control oftemperature, humidity, indoor airquality, and zoning. The Carrier InfinitySystem also provides unprecedentedease of use through on-screen, text-based service reminders and equipmentmalfunction alerts.For even greater comfort andconvenience, match the Infinity 96furnance with an Infinity airconditioner or heat pump. This willcreate a fully communicating system,requiring only 4 thermostat wiresbetween system components, andtroubleshooting can even be done fromthe outdoor unit without entering thehome.Optional remote access throughtelephone or Internet is also availablewhen combined with a remoteconnectivity kit.Infinity 96 FEATURES/BENEFITSComfortHeat — On the coldest daysof the year, the Infinity 96 Furnace hasthe capacity to heat your home. Onmoderate days when less heat isrequired, this furnace will regulateitself to a lower capacity —providing a comfortable home andminimizing operating costs.The patented algoritum adjusts thelow-heat operating time to match theindoor conditions.IdealHumidty — The IdealHumiditysystem actively controls bothtemperature and humidity in your hometo provide the best comfort all yearlong. Other systems depend on heatingor cooling to manage the moisture in theair. But, IdealHumidity gives you theright amount of humidity day and night,even in mild weather. No othermanufacturer can do this!IdealHumidity saves energy, too. Bykeeping humidity under control, youcan set your thermostat to staycomfortable and save energy—up to20% off your cooling costs!Media Filter Cabinet — Enhancedindoor air quality in your home is madeeasier with our media filter cabinet—astandard accessory on all deluxefurnaces. When installed as a part ofyour system, this cabinet allows foreasy and convenient addition of aCarrier high-efficiency air filter.Insulated Blower Compartment —The acoustical insulation reduces airand motor noise for quiet operation.Certifications — The Infinity 96,Model 58MVP units are A.G.A. andC.G.A. design certified for use withnatural and propane gases. The furnaceis factory-shipped for use with naturalgas. An C.S.A. (A.G.A. and C.G.A.)listed gas conversion kit is required toconvert furnace for use with propanegas. The efficiency is GAMAefficiency rating certified. The Infinity96 meets California Air QualityManagement District emissionrequirements.Quality Registration — The Infinity96 is engineered and manufacturedunder an ISO 9001 registered qualitysystem.Venting — The combustion-air andvent pipes can terminate through a sidewall or through the roof when usedwith a factory-authorized venttermination kit.Blower Access Panel Switch —Automatically shuts off 115-v powerto furnace whenever blower accesspanel is opened.Reliable Heat Exchanger Design —The primary heat exchanger is made ofaluminized steel for corrosion resistance.The patented Serpentuff TM condensingheat exchanger cells are laminatedwith polypropylene for greaterresistance to corrosion and epoxycoated externally to prevent oxidation.This break-through in heatingtechnology helps extend the life of thefurnace for years of dependableperformance. The heat exchanger ispositioned in the furnace to extractadditional heat.Warranty — The Infinity 96 heatexchangers come with a LimitedWarranty for lifetime of originalowner in single family residence;20 years in other residential andcommercial applications. Five-yearlimited warranty on entire unit.Contact your dealer for details.Electronic Variable-Speed Motors—ECM Motors (ElectronicallyCommutated Motor) provide variable-speed operation to optimize comfortlevels in the home year round. Theyare also more economical to operatethan standard motors.Comfort Heat Control Center —The microprocessor control centerfeatures state-of-the-art combustion,temperature, and airflow control tomaximize comfort while operating atpeak efficiency.Combustion control is obtained bytaking the appropriate inducer motorRPM readings when the low- and high-fire pressure switches are made. Usingthis information, the microprocessormaintains a consistent air-to-fuel ratioindependent of vent sizing andconditions.The first cycle after power resetprovides 16 minutes of low heatbefore switching to high heat unlessthe room thermostat has been satisfied.Subsequent thermostat cycles provideanywhere from 0 to 16 minutes of lowheat depending on the length of theprevious thermostat cycle.Airflow control is accomplished byusing a technique involving themicroprocessor and blower motor. Thestatic load on the air delivery system ismeasured each heating cycle. Themicroprocessor then uses thisinformation to deliver correct airflowindependent of variations in systemrestrictions. (For example, dirty filter orzone damper changes during a cycle.)A special dehumidification functionallows direct input from a thermidistator humidistat. This input adjustssystem airflow for greater humidityremoval and increased cooling comfortduring summer months.Insulation — Foil-faced insulation inheat exchanger section of the casingminimizes heat loss.Direct Vent Sealed CombustionSystem — Infinity 96 uses 100 percentoutdoor air, which results in especiallyquiet operation. Direct ventingminimizes the possibility of usingcontaminated air and also reduces airinfiltration draftiness in the home.Monoport Burners — The burnersare finely tuned for smooth, quietcombustion and economical operation.Bottom Closure — Factory-installedfor side return; easily removable forbottom return.ComfortFan™ — Improves comfortall year long by allowing you to selectthe continuous fan speed right at thethermostat.SmartEvap™ — Allows your systemto reduce summertime humidity levelsby nearly 10% over standard systems. |
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