2525VNA0 EVENT / FAULT (CONT.)OPERATIONFLASH CODE(Amber LED)RESET TIMEminutesHighest Priority (Code 1) FAULT Event(Message Displayed on User Interface)Heat or CoolMode Possible Causes ACTIONSystem Malfunction 82 240 SUCTION OVER TEMP LOCKOUT CoolOvercharge, Attic run lineset andHigh Load conditionsVerify charge by putting in cooling charg-ingmodeOutside Normal Operating Range(e.g. improper load calculation, systemmatch issue, outside coolingrange etc) Consult Application GuidelinesSystem Malfunction 83 240 LOW PRESSURE LOCKOUT FOR 4HOURSCoolCooling in Low Ambient region (55 ° F andbelow) with ”Low Ambient Cooling” dis-abledEnable ”Low Ambient Cooling” via userinterfaceCool Undercharged SystemCheck system subcooling to determinecharge status, if low add chargeCool Indoor Airflow too low or offCheck Indoor for clogging (ice or debris)and clean if necessary; Troubleshoot In-door fan motor and make sure it is work-ing; follow Indoor Airflow troubleshootinginstructionCool Service Valve left closed (Liquid or Vapor) Open Service ValvesCoolOutside Normal Operating Range (e.g.improper load calculation, system matchissue, outside cooling range etc) Consult Application GuidelinesBoth Expansion Orifice Restriction Troubleshoot TXVBoth Restriction due to debrisClean System (refer to application guide-line) and replace filter drierHeat Troubleshoot EXVHeat Evaporator Airflow too low or offCheck Evaporator (IDU in cooling, ODU inheating) for clogging (ice or debris) andclean if necessary; Troubleshoot Evapora-tor fan motor and make sure it is workingHeat Undercharged SystemCheck system subcooling to determinecharge status, if low add chargeHeat Expansion Valve Orifice too smallHeating: Troubleshoot EXV (coil, harness-es); Trouble shoot the TXVHeat Reversing Valve BypassReversing Valve Stuck halfway; trou-bleshoot reversing valve