22Q769B — Because the Honeywell adapter is designed for anegative 4 to 20 mA input instead of a positive signal, theQ769B adapter requires a separate transformer and a currentloop isolator to perform properly. Connecting the adapterdirectly to the PremierLink controller could cause the 4 to20 mA output on the controller to be permanently dam-aged. This condition is followed by a constant 36 vdc outputfrom the PremierLink™ economizer output (J-9).The Q769B adapter is supplied with female quick-connectterminal that fits over the male quick-connect P1 and P on theactuator.To connect the Q769B adapter to the actuator, follow thesesteps and refer to Fig. 26:1. Remove power from unit.2. Remove the logic module from the actuator and discard.3. Mount the adapter on the actuator by gently pushing theadapter onto the P1 and P terminals on actuator.NOTE: Be sure the plus (+) terminal on the adapter con-nects to P1 on the actuator and the minus (–) terminal onthe adapter connects to P terminal on the actuator. SeeFig. 26.4. Using field-supplied wire, connect the plus (+) terminalon the adapter to the plus (+) terminal on the loop isolator.Connect the minus (–) terminal on the adapter to theminus (–) terminal on the loop isolator.5. Using the transformer supplied with the 40RM econo-mizer, connect 24 vac to actuator terminals TR and TR1.6. Connect the plus (+) terminal from the loop isolator toJ9-1 terminal on the PremierLink Controller. Connect theminus (–) terminal from the loop isolator to J9-2 terminalon the PremierLink Controller.7. Restore power to unit.Q769C — The Q769C adapter incorporates a female quick-connect terminal that attaches to P1 and P male quick-connectson the actuator.To connect the Q769C adapter to the actuator, follow the stepsbelow and refer to Fig. 27:1. Remove power from unit.2. Remove the logic module from the actuator and discard.3. Mount the adapter onto the actuator by gently pushing theadapter onto terminals P1 and P of actuator.4. NOTE: Be sure the plus (+) terminal on the adapterconnects to P1 on the actuator and the minus (–) terminalon the adapter connects to P terminal on the actuator.See Fig. 27.5. Using the transformer supplied with the 40RM econo-mizer, connect 24 vac to actuator terminals TR and TR1.6. Connect 500-ohm resistor (field supplied) to the plus (+)and minus (–) terminals on adapter.7. Connect the plus (+) terminal from the adapter to J9-1terminal on the PremierLink Controller. Connect theminus (–) terminal from the adapter to J9-2 terminal onthe PremierLink Controller.8. Restore power to unit.IMPORTANT: It is recommended that the Q769C adapterbe used with a field-supplied 500-ohm resistor across theterminals. Using the Q769C with actuator requires a sepa-rate, field-supplied transformer because the actuator withQ769C is a positive ground device. The PremierLink con-trol is a negative ground device. The positive P1 terminalon the Q769C goes to ground. See Fig. 27.BRACKET+C7400A1004Fig. 22 — Differential Enthalpy Control,Sensor and Mounting Plate (33AMKITENT006)HH57AC077ENTHALPYCONTROLHH57AC078 ENTHALPYSENSOR (USED WITHENTHALPY CONTROLFOR DIFFERENTIALENTHALPY OPERATION)MOUNTING PLATEFig. 23 — Location of Differential EnthalpyController and Return Air Enthalpy Sensor(40RM Unit Shown)LEDA B CDTR TR1SOSR2 31++ S+(RETURN AIRENTHALPYSENSOR)BRNREDGRAYGRAYWIRE HARNESSIN UNITBLKREDNOTES:1. Remove factory-installed jumper across SR and + before con-necting wires from return air sensor.2. Switches shown in high outdoor air enthalpy state. Terminals 2and 3 close on low outdoor air enthalpy relative to indoor airenthalpy.3. Remove sensor mounted on back of control and locate in out-side airstream.Fig. 24 — Outside and Return Air Sensor WiringConnections for Differential Enthalpy Control