Adjusting the TV-UCXP683T-V driver propertiesTruVu™ UCXP683T-V CARRIER CORPORATION ©2021Installation and Start-up Guide All rights reserved46Communication StatusThe Communication Status page shows the status of the protocols currently running on the TV-UCXP683T-V'sports.Standalone Controller DetectionYou can use the fields on this page with a binary input in your control program to detect when the controller doesnot receive a write request from the selected network within the specified amount of time. The input remains OFFas long as write requests are received, but switches to ON if the controller does not receive a request within thespecified time. The binary input must have the Expander number and Input number set to 99 and the I/O Type setto Special.Modbus Serial, Modbus TCP/IP, and Modbus Error Definitions pagesIf the controller will be used with Modbus devices, see the Modbus Integration Guide for information on usingthese pages.Flow Calibration ArchiveNOTE This driver property only applies to controllers with built-in airflow sensors.The Flow Calibration Archive page shows measured flow and sensor readings that were entered in the i-Vu® Testand Balance tool or through the stand-alone Test & Balance Utility.To set up Network Statistic trendsPREREQUISITE To view Network Statistic trends, you must have a i-Vu® v6.5 or later system with the latestcumulative patch.To view the Network Statistics (page 42) as trend graphs, select the controller in i-Vu®'s navigation tree and go toone of the following:• On the Driver Properties > Network Diagnostics > Statistics page, click a Trend link at the bottom of eachsection.• Click the Trends drop-down button, select Enabled Points and then the graph you want.