23NOTE: If thru-the-bottom connections accessory is used, refer tothe accessory installation instructions for information on routingpower and control wiring.Fig. 35 — Field Control Wiring RacewayHEAT ANTICIPATOR SETTINGSSet heat anticipator settings at 0.14 amp for the first stage and0.14 amp for second-stage heating, when available.Electric Heaters50LC units may be equipped with factory or field-installedelectric heaters. The heaters are modular in design, with heaterframes holding open coil resistance wires strung through ce-ramic insulators, line-break limit switches and a control con-tactor. One or two heater modules may be used in a unit.Heater modules are installed in the compartment below the in-door (supply) fan outlet. Access is through the indoor accesspanel. Heater modules slide into the compartment on tracksalong the bottom of the heater opening. See Fig. 36 - 38.Not all available heater modules may be used in every unit.Use only those heater modules that are UL/ETL listed for usein a specific size unit. Refer to the label on the unit cabinet forthe list of approved heaters.Unit heaters are marked with heater model numbers. However,heaters are ordered as and shipped in cartons marked with acorresponding heater sales package part number. See Table 3for correlation between heater model number and sales pack-age part number.NOTE: The value in position 9 of the part number differs betweenthe sales package part number (value is 1) and a bare heater modelnumber (value is 0).Fig. 36 — Access Panel LocationsFig. 37 — Component LocationsFig. 38 — Typical Module InstallationRACEWAYHOLE IN END PANEL (HIDDEN)DISCONNECT MOUNTINNUNI BLOCK-OFFANELOUTDOORACCESS PANELINDOORACCESSPANELGLOCATIOTPDISCONNECTMOUNTINGLOCATIONEMT OR RIGID CONDUIT(FIELD-SUPPLIED)SINGLEPOINT BOXCENTERPOSTMANUAL RESETLIMIT SWITCHHEATERCOVERSMAINCONTROLBOXBRACKET ANDCONDUITDRIP BOOTSINGLE POINTBOXMOUNTINGSCREWCONTROL WIRE TERMINAL BLOCKHEATERMODULE(LOCATION 1)HEATERMODULE(LOCATION 2)HEATERMOUNTINGBRACKETTRACKFLANGE