7Step 2 — Plan for Sequence of Unit InstallationThe support method used for this unit will dictate different se-quences for the steps of unit installation. For example, on curb-mounted units, some accessories must be installed on the unitbefore the unit is placed on the curb.Review the following for recommended sequences for installa-tion steps.CURB-MOUNTED INSTALLATION1. Install curb2. Install field-fabricated ductwork inside curb3. Install accessory thru-base service connection package(affects curb and unit) (refer to accessory installationinstructions for details)4. Prepare bottom condensate drain connection to suitplanned condensate line routing (refer to “Step 9 — InstallExternal Condensate Trap and Line” on page 12 fordetails)5. Rig and place unit6. Install outdoor air hood7. Install condensate line trap and piping8. Make electrical connections9. Install other accessoriesPAD-MOUNTED INSTALLATION1. Prepare pad and unit supports2. Check and tighten the bottom condensate drain connectionplug3. Rig and place unit4. Convert unit to side duct connection arrangement5. Install field-fabricated ductwork at unit duct openings6. Install outdoor air hood7. Install condensate line trap and piping8. Make electrical connections9. Install other accessoriesFRAME-MOUNTED INSTALLATIONFrame-mounted applications generally follow the sequence fora curb installation. Adapt as required to suit specific installa-tion plan.Step 3 — Inspect UnitInspect unit for transportation damage. File any claim withtransportation agency.Confirm before installation of unit that voltage, amperage andcircuit protection requirements listed on unit data plate agreewith power supply provided.On units with hinged panel option, check to be sure all latchesare snug and in closed position.Locate the carton containing the outside air hood parts; seeFig. 11. Do not remove carton until unit has been rigged andlocated in final position.Step 4 — Provide Unit SupportROOF CURB MOUNTAccessory roof curb details and dimensions are shown inFig. 5. Assemble and install accessory roof curb in accordancewith instructions shipped with the curb.NOTE: The gasketing of the unit to the roof curb is critical for awatertight seal. Install gasket supplied with the roof curb as shownin Fig. 5. Improperly applied gasket can also result in air leaks andpoor unit performance.Curb should be level. This is necessary for unit drain to func-tion properly. Unit leveling tolerances are shown in Fig. 4. Re-fer to Accessory Roof Curb Installation Instructions for addi-tional information as required.Fig. 4 — Unit Leveling TolerancesInstall insulation, cant strips, roofing felt, and counter flashingas shown. Ductwork must be attached to curb and not to theunit. The accessory thru-the-base power and gas connectionpackage must be installed before the unit is set on the roofcurb.If electric and control wiring is to be routed through the basepan,attach the accessory thru-the-base service connections to the base-pan in accordance with the accessory installation instructions.SLAB MOUNT (HORIZONTAL UNITS ONLY)Provide a level concrete slab that extends a minimum of 6-in.(150 mm) beyond unit cabinet. Install a gravel apron in front ofcondenser coil air inlet to prevent grass and foliage from ob-structing airflow.NOTE: Horizontal units may be installed on a roof curb ifrequired.ALTERNATE UNIT SUPPORT (IN LIEU OF CURB ORSLAB MOUNT)A non-combustible sleeper rail can be used in the unit curbsupport area. If sleeper rails cannot be used, support the longsides of the unit with a minimum of 3 equally spaced 4-in. x4-in. (102 mm x 102 mm) pads on each side.Table 2 — Operating Weights50LC**07 UNITS LB (KG)Base Unit 967 (439)EconomizerVertical 75 (34)Horizontal 122 (55)Powered Outlet 35 (16)Curb14-in. (356 mm) 143 (65)24-in. (610 mm) 245 (111)A-B0.5” (13)B-C1.0” (25)A-C1.0” (25)MAXIMUM ALLOWABLEDIFFERENCE IN. (MM)