43Fig. 54 — VFD KeypadThe VFD keypad (as shown in Fig. 54) consists of the follow-ing sections.ALPHA NUMERIC DISPLAYThe LCD display is backlit with 2 alpha-numeric lines. Alldata is displayed on the LCD. See Fig. 55.Fig. 55 — LCD Alpha Numeric DisplayMENU KEYUse the Menu key to select between Status, Quick Menu orMain Menu. The triangle icon at the bottom of the LCD dis-play indicates the currently selected mode. (See number 5 inFig. 55.)NAVIGATION KEYS AND STATUS LEDSThe Navigation keys and Status LEDs are detailed in Fig. 56.Fig. 56 — Navigation Keys and Status LEDsOPERATION KEYS AND LEDSFigure 57 details the functions of the Operating keys. An illu-minated yellow LED above the key indicates the active key.Fig. 57 — Operating KeysCONNECTING THE KEYPAD TO THE VFDThe VFD keypad can be mounted directly to the variable fre-quency drive, provided there is easy access to the front panel ofthe VFD. If there is no easy access to the VFD front panel, usethe cable included with the kit to connect the keypad to theVFD.Connecting the Keypad Directly to the VFD1. Place the bottom of the VFD keypad into the variable fre-quency drive as shown in Fig. 58.2. Push the top of the VFD keypad into the variable fre-quency drive as shown in Fig. 59.1 Parameter number and name.2 Parameter value.3Setup number shows the active setup and the edit setup. If thesame set-up acts as both the active and edit set-up, only thatsetup number is shown (factory setting). When the active and editsetup differ, both numbers are shown in the display (SETUP 12).The flashing number indicates the edit setup.4The symbol in the number 4 position in the figure above indicatesmotor direction. The arrow point either clockwise or counter-clockwise to show the motor’s current direction.5 The position of the triangle indicates the currently selected menu:Status, Quick Menu or Main Menu.OffResetHandOnAlarmWarn.OnCom.OKBackAutoOnStatusMenu QuickMenuMainMenu1-20 Motor Power[2] 0.12KW-0.16HPSetup 1ALPHANUMERICDISPLAYMENU KEYNAVIGATIONKEYSANDSTATUSLEDsOPERATION KEYS & LEDs1-20 Motor Power[2] 0.12KW-0.16HPSetup 1132451 Com. LED: Flashes when bus communications iscommunicating.2 Green LED/On: Control selection is working.3 Yellow LED/Warn.: Indicates a warning.4 Flashing Red LED/Alarm: Indicates an alarm.5Arrows ▲▼: Use the Up and Down arrow keys to navigatebetween parameter groups, parameters and within parameters.Also used for setting local reference.6 Back key: Press to move to the previous step or layer in thenavigation structure.7 OK key: Press to select the currently displayed parameter andfor accepting changes to parameter settings.1Hand On key: Starts the motor and enables control of thevariable frequency drive (VFD) via the VFD Keypad option.NOTE: Please note that terminal 27 Digital Input (5-12 Terminal27 Digital Input) has coast inverse as default setting. Thismeans that the Hand On key will not start the motor if there isno 24V to terminal 27, so be sure to connect terminal 12 toterminal 27.2 Off/Reset key: Stops the motor (off). If in alarm mode the alarmwill be reset.3 Auto On key: The variable frequency drive is controlled eithervia control terminals or serial communication.AlarmWarn.OnCom.OKBack34125657OffResetHandOn AutoOn1 2 3