3216.3.10 pkt : Packet NumberThis is the divided packet number kkkkkkkjjjjjjjiiiiiiiB (Binary) for transferring a single parameter set.16.3.11 prm : Parameter IDThe Parameter ID indicates the parameter type. When transferring parameters (see "Part V Parameter List" below) individually(as opposed to bulk transfer), this field is used to identify the parameter being transferred by its parameter ID.16.3.12 idx : Data Index NumberThe data index number indicates the first array number of the array from which transfer starts.16.3.13 len : Data LengthData length indicates the transfer array length minus 1 for individual parameter transfer when the parameter contains acharacter string or other similar array structure.In the case of bulk parameter set transfer, data length indicates the number of data words (16-bit data) included within apacket minus data : Parameter DataParameter data indicates the parameter value. Data that is the size of the number of arrays equivalent to len + 1 follows.For the structure of one data item, the length depends on the data bit width, as shown below.Each block of data is packed from the lowest order byte first. In the case of multiple-byte data, the lowest weighted bitis the LSB of the first "data" block, and the highest weighted bit is the MSB of the final "data" block. The followingshows an example of how data would be divided for transfer in the case of 32-bit data.Format: 0iiiiiiiB (LSB) 0jjjjjjjB 0kkkkkkkB (MSB)Format: 0pppppppB (LSB) 0qqqqqqqB (MSB)Format: 0iiiiiiiBFormat: 0lllllllBFormat: 0dddddddB (0eeeeeeeB) (0fffffffB) (0gggggggB) (0hhhhhhhB)::dddddB + 1 Number of Data1 - 7 18 - 14 215 - 21 322 - 28 429 - 32 5