8Part IIChannel Message4 Receive ChannelThe channel number of the channel message received by each part is shown in the table under "1.4.2 Part Block".The channel number of a channel message that changes the settings of a DSP coincides with the channel of the part thatis using the DSP.5 Send ChannelBasically, the MIDI channel of the channel message sent when the Instrument is played coincides with the MIDI channelof the part being played. Note, however, that the MIDI channel of the performance information that corresponds to thekeyboard main part is the Keyboard Channel setting value.6 Note OffFormatSendSent when something is played on the keyboard.ReceiveReceived over MIDI channels that correspond to each part. A part that is turned off by the Part Enable Parameter valueexplained under "21.6 Part Parameter" is not received. The velocity value is ignored.7 Note OnFormatSendSent when something is played on the keyboard.ReceiveReceived over MIDI channels that correspond to each part. A part that is turned off by the Part Enable Parameter valueexplained under "21.6 Part Parameter" is not received.Message Format: 9nH kkH 00H (receive only)8nH kkH **Hn: MIDI Channel Numberkk:**:Key NumberIgnoredMessage Format: 9nH kkH vvHn: MIDI Channel Numberkk: Key Numbervv: Velocity