E-10Operations Common to All ModesUse the procedures in this section to input or editnames.Example: When creating a new phrase and saving data (Fordetails, see “Recording and Playing Back Phrases”on page E-18.)If you are saving a newly created phrase in DigitalPiano memory, display the Digital Piano’s save menu(“Saving Data”, page E-11) before trying to inputcharacters using the procedure below.• With this method, you select one of the charactersshown below.• For information about characters that are supportedwhen using a USB flash drive, see “Renaming a USBFlash Drive File” (page E-33).1. Use the ds (u), dt (w), ek (q), and el(i) buttons to move the cursor to locationwhere you want to input the character.2. You can use either of the methods below toselect a character and input it.• Method 1Press the eo minus (–) or plus (+) button to scrollsequentially through characters and symbols. Withthis method, each time you press the eo minus (–) orplus (+) buttons at the same time, input jumps to thefirst character of a group in the following sequence:Symbols 3 Numerals 3 Upper case 3 Lowercase.• Method 2Press the en (NUM KEY) button so its lamp becomeslit.Next, use the 12 buttons from dl to em to input lettersas shown in the illustration below. Each press of abutton cycles through the letters assigned to it at thecurrent cursor location.After inputting the letters you want, press the en(NUM KEY) button so its lamp becomes unlit.NOTE• You can also input numbers and characters using theDigital Piano’s knobs. For more information, see theseparate “Tutorial”.Inputting Text CharactersSymbols (Part 1)NumeralsABC DEF GHI JKL(Upper/lower case toggle)MNO PQRS TUVSymbols (Part 2)WXYZ