20010101(3) Real-time Sampling Channel (Use CH)• 1(CH1) ........ Channel 1• 2(CH2) ........ Channel 2• 3(CH3) ........ Channel 3• 4(SONIC) .... Sonic channel• Note that the above options appear only when real-time sampling is turned on (bypressing 1(YES) for the Real-Time item).(4) Filter Settings (Filter)• 1(None) ....... No setting• 2(S-G) ......... S-G Smoothingb(5-p): 5-point c(9-p): 9-pointd(17-p): 17-point e(25-p): 25-point• 3(MED) ....... Median Filterb(3-p): 3-point c(5-p): 5-point• Note that the above options appear only when real-time sampling is turned off (bypressing 2(NO) for the Real-Time item).3. After all the settings are the way you want, press w to return to the Advanced Setupmenu.u To configure a custom probeYou can use the procedures in this section to configure a custom probe* 1 for use with theEA-100.Creating a New Custom Probe ConfigurationTo configure a custom probe, you must input values for the constants of the fixed lineartransformation formula (ax + b). The required constants are slope ( a) and intercept (b).x in the above expression (ax + b) is the sampled voltage value (sampling range: 0 to 5volts).You can use either of the two following procedures to create a new custom probeconfiguration while creating an EA-100 setup using Advanced Setup.4-2-11EA-100 Setup* 1 The term “custom probe” means any sensorother than the CASIO or VERNIER sensorsspecified as standard for the E-CON Mode.20011101