20010101uuuuuLinearReg t TestLinearReg t Test treats paired-variable data sets as (x , y ) pairs, and uses the method ofleast squares to determine the most appropriate a, b coefficients of the data for theregression formula y = a + bx . It also determines the correlation coefficient and t value, andcalculates the extent of the relationship between x and y .b =Σ (x – o)( y – p)i=1nΣ (x – o) 2i=1n a = p – bo t = r n – 21 – r 2a : interceptb : slope of the linen : size of sample (n > 3)r : correlation coefficientr2 : coefficient ofdeterminationPerform the following key operations from the statistical data list.3(TEST)c(T)d(LinReg)The following shows the meaning of each item in the case of list data specification.β &ρ ............................ p-value test conditions (“G 0” specifies two-tail test, “< 0”specifies lower one-tail test, “> 0” specifies upper one-tailtest.)XList ............................ list for x -axis data (List 1 to 20)YList ............................ list for y -axis data (List 1 to 20)Freq ............................. frequency (1 or List 1 to 20)Save Res ..................... list for storage of calculation results (None or List 1 to 20)Execute ....................... executes a calculationAfter setting all the parameters, align the cursor with [Execute] and then press the function keyshown below to perform the calculation.• 1(CALC) ... Performs the calculation.# You cannot draw a graph for LinearReg tTest.1-2-16Tests (TEST)20011101