Selecting and Playing a ToneE-191. Press the L-9 (METRONOME) button.• This will start the metronome.• The display will show the tempo along with a count ofthe measures and beats since you started themetronome.2. Press the L-9 (METRONOME) button again tostop the metronome.1. Hold down the L-9 (BEAT) button until themetronome beat screen shown below appearson the display.2. Use the dial or R-14 (–, +) buttons to select abeat setting.• You can select 0, or a value within the range of 2 to 6.Specifying 0 for this setting will cause each beat to beindicated by the same sound (no chime at thebeginning of each measure).3. Press the L-9 (BEAT) or R-15 (EXIT) button.• This exits the metronome beat screen.There are two different methods you can use to change thetempo setting: using the TEMPO buttons or tapping a beatwith a button.■ To change the tempo using the TEMPO buttons1. Press the L-10 (TEMPO w) (slower) or L-11(TEMPO q) (faster) button.• This displays the tempo screen shown below.• If you do not perform any operation for a few seconds,the display will return to previous screen automatically.2. Use the L-10 (TEMPO w) and L-11 (TEMPO q)buttons to change the tempo (beats perminute).• Holding down either button will scroll the setting valuesat high speed.• You can specify a tempo value in the range of 30 to255.3. Press the R-15 (EXIT) button.• This exits the tempo screen.Using the MetronomeTo change the beats per measureTempoMeasureBeatTo change the tempo setting