— 50 —[ 6 ] FLASH ROM WRITE/READ Test[Function]Tests whether writing/reading to FLASH ROM is correctly performed.This test targets all areas except for the data protection areas.Be sure to perform “[5] FLASH ROM CLEAR Test” before this test. If other tests are performedwithout having conducted FLASH ROM CLEAR test, this program may be damaged and may notoperate properly. Should this occur, perform all operations starting from IPL.[Operation]Operation : c n 0 1 2 STc: Specifying FLASH ROM0 FLASH ROM (for programming)1 FLASH ROM (for hibernation)n: Number of times0 or no value To perform a single testA value other than 0 (1 ~ 9) Tests repeat infinitely (press ESC to terminate)[LCD] [PRINT]FLASH ROM (for programming)FLASH 0n012FLASH WR OKEND 0n012FLASH 0n012FLASH WR OKEND 0n012* If the test ends with errors, the line numberand the address are printed instead of OKmessage.FLASH ROM (for hibernation)FLASH hib 1n012FLASH hib WR OKEND 1n012FLASH hib 1n012FLASH hib WR OKEND 1n012* If the test ends with errors, the line numberand the address are printed instead of OKmessage.