— 85 —Prompt message Meaning ActionE048 Insert Slip Paper andretry.Alarm when no paper is inserted in theSlip.Insert new slip paper.E049 CHECK memory full. Check tracking index full/near end Finalize and close the check numbercurrently used.E050 Detail memory full. Check tracking memory full/near end Finalize and close the check numbercurrently used.E051 CHK/TBL No. is occupied. Attempt is made to use the CHECK> key to open a new check using anumber that is already used for an existingcheck tracking memory.Finalize and close the check that iscurrently under the number that you wantto use or use a different check number.E052 CHK/TBL No. is Busy. Attempt to use the same check numberwhilst the specified number is being usedin the other terminal.Use another check number or close thecheck at that terminal.E053 CHK/TBL No. is notopened.Check number not found Use the correct check number (if you wantto reopen a check that already exists inthe check tracking memory) or use CHECK> to open a new check.E054 Out of CHK/TBL No.Range.Check number range over Enter correct number.E056 Store range full. All check number are occupied in range. Recall the stored data.E057 No item exists in detail. Round repeat cannot be found in detail.E058 Enter post entry item. Post entry item has not been registeredyet.Enter Post entry item.E059 Press Eat-in or Take-outkey.Press eat-in or take-out key. Press Eat-in or Takeout key.**********E060 Printer offline.Printer offline.“****” means ECR logical ID and printernumber.**********E061 Printer error.Printer downed.“****” means ECR logical ID and printernumber.The contents are printed on the backupprinter.**********E061 Printer error.YES : Retry to print.NO : Show on the screen.ESC : Discard data.Printer downed.“****” means ECR logical ID and printernumber.Follow the prompt message.**********E062 Printer paper end.Paper near-end/end “****” means ECRlogical ID and printer number.Set new paper.The contents are printed on the backupprinter.**********E062 Printer paper end.YES : Retry to print.NO : Show on the screen.ESC : Discard data.Paper near-end/end “****” means ECRlogical ID and printer number.Follow the prompt message.E064 Printer buffer full.YES : Retry to print.NO : Show on the screen.ESC : Discard data.Print buffer full at sender side Follow the prompt message.**********E070 Terminal out of action.Cannot print.Down at target ECR which has printer“****” means ECR logical ID and printernumber.**********E071 Target terminal printer BFfull.YES : Retry to print.NO : Show on the screen.ESC : Discard data.Printer buffer full at target ECR which hasprinter“****” means ECR logical ID and printernumber.Follow the prompt message.