— 86 —Prompt message Meaning Action**********E072 Target printer terminal isbusy.Busy at target ECR which has printer“****” means ECR logical ID and printernumber.**********E073 Your receipt/order maynot be issued.YES : Retry to print.NO : Show on the screen.ESC : Discard data.Time out at ECR which has printer“****” means ECR logical ID and printernumber.Follow the prompt message.E075 Negative Balance, cannotbe finalized.Attempted finalization when balance isless than zero.Register item(s) until the balance becomespositive amount.E080 Electronic Journal FullPlease clear E-Journal.Electronic journal full Reset the electronic journal memory.E082 ***** Illegal Data ***** Illegal Electronic journal dataE083 Cannot create E-Journal.Check Flash memory.Electronic journal file cannot be created. Check flash memory.**********E105 Check/TBL trackingMaster down. Please callManager!!YES : Retry for connection.NO : Remove it from system.CHK master down“****” means ECR logical ID.Follow the prompt message.**********E106 Check/TBL trackingBackup master down.Please call Manager!!YES : Retry for connection.NO : Remove it from system.CHK BM down“****” means ECR logical ID.Follow the prompt message.**********E107 Both Master&Backupmaster down. CHK/TBLtracking or Clerk interruptis not available.CHK M/BM down“****” means ECR logical ID.**********E108 CHK/TBL Master isremoved from system.Master down then take it off from system“****” means ECR logical ID.**********E109 CHK/TBL Backup masteris removed from system.Backup master down then take it off fromsystem“****” means ECR logical ID.E110 CHK data mismatchbetween Master andBackup master.Data mismatch has occurred.E130 Middle of Pick up or LoanPress Cancel Key.During picking up Follow the prompt message.E131 Middle of Press Cancel Key.During bill copy Follow the prompt message.E133 Middle of Change> Press CancelKey.During media change Follow the prompt message.E134 Middle of Clerk TransferPress ESC Key.During clerk transfer Follow the prompt message.E136 Middle of Separate CheckPress ESC key.During separate check Follow the prompt message.E139 Not allowed to be negativeby Minus/Coupon key.Credit balance error Enter proper minus/coupon amount.E140 Wrong menu. This sheet holder is prohibited by program. Set correct sheet holder.E141 Press twicebefore finalization. key is not pressed twicebefore finalization.Follow the prompt message.E145 Arrangement syntax error. Arrangement syntax error Program the arrangement again.