114Statistical Graphs and Calculations Chapter 7kkkkk Paired-Variable Statistical CalculationsIn the previous examples from “Linear Regression Graph” to “Power RegressionGraph,” statistical calculation results were displayed after the scatter diagram wasdrawn. These were numeric expressions of the characteristics of variables used inthe graphic display.The following operation produces the same values directly from the statistical datalist.2(CALC)2(2VAR)Now you can press f and c to view variable characteristics.For details on the meanings of these statistical values, see “Displaying Paired-Vari-able Statistical Results”.kkkkk Regression CalculationIn the explanations from "Linear Regression Graph" to "Power Regression Graph,"regression calculation results were displayed after the graph was drawn. Here, theregression line and regression curve is represented by mathematical expressions.You can directly determine the same expression from the data input screen.Perform the following key operation.2(CALC)3(REG)1(X)Single variable regression parameters are displayed.Next, you can use the following.1 (X) ............ Linear regression2 (Med) ....... Med-Med regression3 (X^2) ........ Quadratic regression[1 (Log) ........ Logarithmic regression2 (Exp) ........ Exponential regression3 (Pwr) ........ Power regressionThe meanings of the parameters that appear on this screen are the same as thosefor “Linear Regression Graph” to “Power Regression Graph”.P.109