146Programming Chapter 8Parameters:left side/right side: variable (A to Z), numeric constant, variable expression (such as:A ! 2)relational operator: =, GGGGG , >, <, $, %Description:1. The following six relational operators can be used in the conditional jump com-mand = : true when equals GGGGG : true when does not equal > : true when is greater than < : true when is less than $ : true when is greater than or equal to side> % : true when is less than or equal to 2. See “# (Jump Code)” for details on using the conditional jump.10. Text DisplayYou can include text in a program by simply enclosing it between double quotationmarks. Such text appears on the display during program execution, which meansyou can add labels to input prompts and results.Program Display? " X ?”X =” ? " X X = ?• If the text is followed by a calculation formula, be sure to insert a display com-mand (^) between the text and calculation.• Inputting more than 13 characters causes the text to move down to the next line.The screen scrolls automatically if the text causes the screen to become full.11. Using Calculator Functions inProgramskkkkk Using Graph Functions in a ProgramYou can incorporate graph functions into a program to draw complex graphs and tooverlay graphs on top of each other. The following shows various types of syntax youneed to use when programming with graph functions.• View WindowView Window –5, 5, 1, –5, 5, 1 _P.143P.48