36Basic Calculations Chapter 2kkkkk ErrorsAn error message appears on the display and calculation stops whenever the calcu-lator detects some problem. Press A to clear the error message.The following is a list of all the error messages and what they mean.Ma ERROR - (Mathematical Error)• A value outside the range of ±9.99999999 ! 1099 was generated during a calcu-lation, or an attempt was made to store such a value in memory.• An attempt was made to input a value that exceeds the range of the scientificfunction being used.• An attempt was made to perform an illegal statistical operation.Stk ERROR - (Stack Error)• The calculation being performed caused the capacity of one of the stacks to beexceeded.Syn ERROR - (Syntax Error)• An attempt to use an illegal syntax.Arg ERROR - (Argument Error)• An attempt to use an illegal argument with a scientific function.Dim ERROR - (Dimension Error)• An attempt to perform an operation with two or more lists when the dimensions ofthe lists do not match.In addition to the above, there are also a Mem ERROR and Go ERROR. See “ErrorMessage Table” for details.kkkkk How to Calculate Memory UsageSome key operations take up one byte of memory each, while others take up twobytes.1-byte operations: 1, 2, 3, ..., sin, cos, tan, log, In, , ", etc.2-byte operations: d/dx (, Xmin, If, For, Return, DrawGraph, SortA(, Sum, etc.For full details on the functions that require two bytes, see the “2-byte CommandTable”.P.175P.179