Auto AccompanimentE-26You can adjust the tempo (number of beats per minute) ofrhythm play within a range of 30 to 255.1. While the indicator lamp above the TEMPObuttons is lit, use the TEMPO buttons [ ]/[ ]to adjust the tempo. The TEMPO button indicator lamp is not lit andtempo adjustment cannot be performed while themenu screen is on the display. To exit the menuscreen and return to the tone/rhythm screen,press the FUNCTION button.[ ] (+) ..... Increase tempo (make it faster)[ ] (–) ..... Decrease tempo (make it slower) You can also change the tempo setting by rotatingthe selector dial. Pressing both TEMPO buttons [ ] and [ ] at the sametime resets the tempo to the default value of the currentlyselected rhythm. The tempo value indicates the number of quarter notebeats per minute.You can adjust the volume of the accompaniment partseparately from the overall volume.1. Use the ACCOMP/SONG VOLUME knob toadjust the accompaniment volume.This piano lets you insert a short intro into a rhythm patternto make startup smoother and more natural. Select a rhythm and set its tempo. Select the accompaniment mode you want to use.1. Press the INTRO button to start the selectedrhythm with an intro pattern. With the above setup, the intro pattern is playedand the auto accompaniment with intro patternstarts as soon as you play chords on theaccompaniment keyboard. The standard rhythm pattern starts to play after the intropattern is complete.Adjusting the TempoTo adjust the tempoAdjusting the AccompanimentVolumeUsing an Intro PatternTo insert an 26 ページ 2002年7月23日 火曜日 午後6時52分