USB Flash DriveEN-57English• Never plug any other device besides a USB flashdrive into the USB flash drive port.• When you perform a USB flash drive operation orturn on the Digital Piano while a USB flash drive isplugged in, the Digital Piano initially needs toperform a “mounting” sequence to prepare for dataexchange with the USB flash drive. Digital Pianooperations may be momentarily disabled while amounting sequence is being performed. While themounting process is in progress, the message“Media Mounting” will be displayed. It may take up to10 or 20 seconds or even longer for a USB flashdrive to be mounted. Do not attempt to perform anyoperation on the Digital Piano while a mountingsequence is in progress. A USB flash drive needs tobe mounted each time it is connected to the DigitalPiano.■ To insert a USB flash drive1. As shown in the illustration below, insert theUSB flash drive into the Digital Piano’s USBflash drive port.• Carefully push the USB flash drive in as far as it willgo. Do not use undue force when inserting the USBflash drive.■ To remove a USB flash drive1. Check to confirm that there is no dataexchange operation being performed, andthen pull the USB flash drive straight out.• Be sure to format a USB flash drive on the DigitalPiano before using it for the first time.• Before formatting a USB flash drive, make sure itdoes not have any valuable data stored on it.• The format operation performed by this Digital Pianois a “quick format”. If you want to completely deleteall of the data in USB flash drive, format it on yourcomputer or some other device.Supported USB Flash DrivesThis Digital Piano supports USB flash drives formattedto FAT32. If your USB flash drive is formatted to adifferent file system, use the Windows format functionto reformat it to FAT32. Do not use quick format.1. Insert the USB flash drive to be formatted intothe Digital Piano’s USB flash drive port.2. On the MENU screen, touch “MEDIA”.3. Touch “FORMAT”.This displays a confirmation message (“Sure?”).4. Touch “Yes”.• The message “Please Wait” remains on the displaywhile the operation is being performed. Do notperform any operation while this message is on thedisplay. “Complete” appears on the display afterformatting is complete.• To cancel the format operation, touch “No”.Even when the file format is WAV (general audio data)or SMF (standard MIDI file), the procedure below canbe used to save data to USB flash drive and play it backon the Digital Piano.1. Connect the USB flash drive to yourcomputer.2. Move the song data file you want to play backto the MUSICDAT folder on the USB flashdrive.• For information about playback see “To play alongwith data recorded on a USB flash drive” (pageEN-47).Connecting a USB Flash Driveto and Detaching It from theDigital PianoUSB flash driveUSB flash drive portFormatting a USB Flash DriveSaving Standard Song Data toa USB Flash Drive