EN-58USB Flash DriveDigital Piano memory data (MIDI recorder songs) canbe saved to a USB flash drive.• MIDI Recorder songs can be converted to standardMIDI (SMF) files and stored on the USB flash drive.• During recording of an Audio Recorder song, thedata is stored directly to the USB flash drive, so theoperation below is not required.1. Insert the USB flash drive into the DigitalPiano’s USB flash drive port.2. On the MENU screen, touch “MEDIA”.3. Touch “Save”.4. Touch the data type you want to save.5. Touch the data you want to save.6. Rename the file as required.7. After renaming the file, touch “Enter”.This displays a confirmation message (“Sure?”). If therealready a file with the same name on the USB flashdrive, a confirmation message (“Replace?”) will appearasking if you want to overwrite it with the new data.8. Touch “Yes”.• The message “Please Wait” remains on the displaywhile the operation is being performed. Do notperform any operation while this message is on thedisplay. “Complete” appears on the display afterdata save is complete.• To cancel the save operation, touch “No”.You can use the procedure below to load data from aUSB flash drive into Digital Piano memory.• Place the data (file) you want to load into theMUSICDAT folder on the USB flash drive.1. Insert the USB flash drive into the DigitalPiano’s USB flash drive port.2. On the MENU screen, touch “MEDIA”.3. Touch “Load”.4. Touch the data type of the data you want toimport.5. On the “USB” list, touch the data you want toimport.6. On the “User Area” list, touch the importdestination you want.• If you are importing MIDI data, you will not be ableto specify an import destination.7. Touch “Execute”.This displays an import confirmation message(“Sure?”). If there is already data in the importdestination in Digital Piano memory, a message(“Replace?”) will appear asking if you want to replace itwith the new data.8. Touch “Yes”.• The message “Please Wait” remains on the displaywhile the operation is being performed. Do notperform any operation while this message is on thedisplay. “Complete” appears on the display afterdata import is complete.• To cancel the import operation, touch “No”.Saving Digital Piano Data to aUSB Flash DriveLoading Data from a USBFlash Drive to Digital PianoMemory