E-22Configuring Settings with the Keyboard■ MIDI and Other SettingsParameter SettingsOperationType(page E-18)Description Remarksbn Send Channel 01 to 16Default: 01B Specifies one of the MIDIchannels (1 through 16) asthe Send Channel, which isused for sending MIDImessages to an externaldevice.bo Local Control Off, OnDefault: OnA Selecting “Off” for LocalControl cuts off the digitalpiano’s sound source, sono sound is produced bythe digital piano whenkeys are pressed. Turn offlocal control when youwant to sound only theconnected MIDI device.• The Local Control setting cannot bechanged while playback of a MusicLibrary tune is in progress.bp Operation Tone Off, OnDefault: OnA Selecting “Off” disablessounding of the operationtone whenever a keyboardkey is pressed while theTONE/SETTING isdepressed.• This setting is retained even when thedigital piano is turned off.• The operation tone setting cannot bechanged while Music Library playback isin progress, while the metronome issounding, and during recording.bq Back Up Off, OnDefault: OffA When “On” is selected forthis setting, the digitalpiano will remember itscurrent settings*1, andrestore them when it isturned on again.When “Off” is selected,settings*2 are reset to theirinitial defaults wheneverthe digital piano is turnedon.• The back up setting cannot be changedwhile Music Library playback is inprogress, while the metronome issounding, in the Duet Mode, and duringrecording.*1 The following settings are notremembered.• Duet Mode• Tune LR (part) setting• Local Control*2 Except for the operation tone on/offsetting.br Operation Lock Off, OnDefault: OffA Selecting “On” for thissetting locks the digitalpiano’s buttons (except forthe power button and thebuttons required forunlock), so no operationcan be performed.Turn on operation lockwhen you want to protectagainst unintentionalbutton operations.• The operation lock setting cannot bechanged while Music Library playback isin progress, while the metronome issounding, and during recording.