R-35QT-6000 Reference Manual59) Food stamp subtotal key (Function code 081)This key is used to obtain food stamp subtotal. This key should be pressed just before or finalization.60) Quantity / For key (Function code 083)This key provides the same functions as the multiplication key. In addition, this key alsohas a split pricing function. The function is used to calculate the price per unit for particularitems, which are sold in bulk in order to obtain the total amount for the number of unitspurchased.Programmability: Refer to page 96 of the programming manual.61) Square key (Function code 084)This key provides the same functions as the multiplication key. In addition, this key alsohas a square multiplication function.Programmability: Refer to page 96 of the programming manual.62) Selective item subtotal key (Function code 085)This key is used to obtain the selective item 1 / 2 subtotal amount.In addition to the common programming, this key has the following option:– Selective item status 1 / 263) Cube key (Function code 090)This key provides the same functions as the multiplication key. In addition, this key alsohas a cube multiplication function.Programmability: Refer to page 96 of the programming manual.64) New check key (Function code 091)This key is used in a check tracking system to input a new check number in order to opena new check under that number.Programmability: Refer to page 98 of the programming manual.65) Old check key (Function code 092)This key is used in a check tracking system to input the number of an existing check(previously created by the New check key) whose details are stored in the check trackingmemory. Existing checks are reopened to perform further registration or to finalize them.Programmability: Refer to page 99 of the programming manual.66) New / Old check key (Function code 093)This key is used in a check tracking system to input check numbers in order to open newchecks and to reopen existing checks. When the clerk inputs a check number, the terminalchecks to see if that number already exists in the check tracking memory. If there is nomatching number in the memory, a new check is opened under the input number. If thecheck number input matches a number already stored in the memory, that check isreopened for further registration or finalization.Programmability: Refer to page 98 of the programming manual.67) Add check key (Function code 094)This key is used in a check tracking system to combine the details of more than one checkinto a single check.68) Separate check key (Function code 095)This key is used in a check tracking system to separate selected items or to separate by seatnumber from one check to another check.69) OBR (Optical Barcode Reader) key (Function code 103)This key is used to enter scanning PLU code manually.70) Clock-in/out key (Function code 108)This key is used to register the time when employees start/finish their job.Programmability: Refer to page 97 of the programming manual.