R-37QT-6000 Reference Manual84) Recall key (Function code 131)This key is used for recalling the transferred check number by the store key. When youpress this key, the check number will appear in order of the oldest record.Programmability: Refer to page 99 of the programming manual.85) Subdepartment key (Function code 133)This key is used to register items for the subdepartment.Programmability: Refer to page 79 of the programming manual.86) Subdepartment number key (Function code 134)This key is used to enter subdepartment numbers.87) Department number key (Function code 135)This key is used to enter department numbers.88) List key (Function code 136)This key is used to display menu lists.Programmability: Refer to page 96 of the programming manual.89) List number key (Function code 137)This key is used to designate list number.90) Dutch account key (Function code 140)This key is used to share the total payment by customer.Programmability: Refer to page 99 of the programming manual.91) Customer ID number key (Function code 148)This key is used to enter customer ID number.92) Payment key (Function code 149)This key is used to declare the following transactions as payment.93) Electronic journal display key (Function code 207)This key is used to display the stored journal.94) Display mode key (Function code 219)This key is used to change display modes (normal mode/item consolidation mode).95) Cancel key (Function code 236)Invalidates all preceding data registered for departments, PLUs and set menus within atransaction. This key must be pressed before the transaction involving the data to beinvalidated is finalized. It is also effective even after calculation of subtotal amount.Programmability: Refer to page 96 of the programming manual.96) Item search key (Function code 246)Use this key to search an item by its name.Programmability: Refer to page 100 of the programming manual.97) Order character change key (Function code 252)This key is used to change the order character. The order characters not only of the itembut in the order character table can be printed.Programmability: Refer to page 100 of the programming manual.98) Location change key (Function code 260)Use this key to select the pop-up window which shows the table layout of each floor/partof the restaurant.Programmability: Refer to page 100 of the programming manual.99) Table sharing key (Function code 261)Use this key to assign one table to two or more customer groups.