7sure to wear helmet and gloves at all time for seafty.ar shirts or jackets with tight in the wheel driving.erwise it can be caught in the wheel to cause seriousage by overturn of vehicle.ny automobile/motorcycle accidents happen because theomobile driver does not “Look” the motorcyclist.ear bright or reflective clothing.on’t ride in another motorist’s “blind spot”.sure to wear dress to catch an eye to avoid any crash fromind.● Modification of vehicle structure of function deterioratesmanipulatability or causes exhaust noise to become loudershortening the vehicle life. These modifications are not onlyprohibited by law but also are the acts harmful to other people.Modifications are not covered by warranty.RECT ATTIREBe sure to wear helmet at all time andthe helmet chin strap securelyfastened.Always put on gloves.fitting andeled shoes.WARNINGe sure you and a fellow passenger always wear a helmet,ye protection and other protective apparel when you ride.ot wearing a helmet increases the chance of seriousnjury or death in a crash.shirts ors with tight.MODIFICATION