• Monobloc • EBLQ011-016AA6V3• Altherma TM • Monobloc2043 Options33EBLQ011-016AA6V33TW58019-5ABivalent systemSpace heating with an auxiliary boiler (alternating operation)Space heating application by either the altherma indoor unit or by an auxiliary boilerconnected in the system. An auxiliary contact decides whether either the E(D/B)(H/L)Q*hydro module or the boiler will operate.This auxiliary contact can e.g. be an outdoortemperature thermostat, an electricity tariff contact, a manually operated contact, etc.Domestic hot water in such an application is always provided by the domestic hot watertank which is connected to the hydro module, including when the boiler is in operation forspace heating.The auxiliary boiler can be integrated in the pipework and in the field wiring according tothe illustrations below.1 Compressor module2 Hydro module3 Heat exchanger4 Pump5 Shut-off valve6 Collector (field supply)7 Motorised 3-way valve (field supply)8 Booster heater9 Heat exchanger coil10 Domestic hot water tank11 Boiler (field supply)12 Aquastat valve (field supply)13 Shut-off valve (field supply)14 Non-return valve (field supply)FHL 1...3 Floor heating loop (field supply)I User interfaceField wiringBoiler thermostatBoiler thermostat Boiler thermostatC Auxiliary contact (normal closed)th Heating only room thermostatK1A Auxiliary relay for activation of E(D/B)(H/L)Q * unit(field supply)K2A Auxiliary relay for activation of boiler(field supply)OperationWhen the room thermostat (th) closes, either the E(D/B)(H/L)Q * unit or the boiler starts operating,depending on the position of the auxiliary contact ( C )Make sure that auxiliary contact ( C ) has sufficient differential or time delay soas to avoid frequent changeover between the E(D/B)(H/L)Q * unit and theboiler. If the auxiliary contact ( C) is an outdoor temperature thermostat, makesure to install the thermostat in the shade, so that it is not influenced or turnedON/OFF by the sun.Frequent switching may cause corrosion of the boiler in an early stage.Contactthe manufacturer of the boiler.During heating operation of the E(D/B)(H/L)Q * unit, the Altherma unit willoperate so as to achieve the target leaving water temperature as set on theuser interface. When weather dependent operation is active, the watertemperature is determined automatically depending on the outdoortemperature.During heating operation of the boiler, the boiler will operate so as to achievethe target leaving water temperature as set on the boiler controller.Never set the target leaving water temperature setpoint on the boiler controllerabove 55°C.Make sure to only have 1 expansion vessel in the water circuit. An expansionvessel is already premounted in the Altherma unit.Make sure to configure the DIP switch SS2-3 on the PCB of the E(D/B)(H/L)Q *switch box correctly. Refer to ’ Room thermostat installation configuration’ inthe installation manual supplied with the unit.Make sure that return water to the E(D/B)(H/L)Q * heat exchanger neverexceeds 55°C.For this reason, never put the target leaving water temperature setpoint on theboiler controller above 55°C and it required, install an aquastat(*) valve in thereturn water flow of the E(D/B)(H/L)Q* unit.Daikin shall not be held liable fo any damage resulting from failure to observethis rule.(*)The aquastat valve must be set for 55°C and must operate to close the return water flow to theE(D/B)(H/L)Q * unit when the measured temperature exceeds 55°C. When temperature drops to a lowerlevel, the aquastat valve must operate to open the return water flow to the E(D/B)(H/L)Q * unit again.Auto / Boiler 1 2 3 4