EHBH/X16Daikin Altherma - Low Temperature Split4P313776-1 – 2012.05Installer reference guide64 About the units and optionsRemote sensor for wireless thermostat (EKRTETS)You can use a wireless indoor temperature sensor (EKRTETS) onlyin combination with the wireless thermostat (EKRTR1).For installation intructions, see the installation manual of the roomthermostat and addendum book for optional equipment.Digital I/O PCB (EKRP1HB)The digital I/O PCB is required to provide following signals:Q Alarm outputQ Space heating/cooling On/OFF outputQ Changeover to external heat sourceQ Only for EHBH/X16 models: Can be integral part of solar kitEKSOLHWFor installation instructions, see the installation manual of the digitalI/O PCB and addendum book for optional equipment.Demand PCB (EKRP1AHTA)To enable the power saving consumption control by digital inputs youmust install the demand PCB.For installation instructions, see the installation manual of thedemand PCB and addendum book for optional equipment.Remote indoor sensor (KRCS01-1)By default the internal user interface sensor will be used as roomtemperature sensor.As an option the remote indoor sensor can be installed to measurethe room temperature on another location.For installation instructions, see the installation manual of the remoteindoor sensor and addendum book for optional equipment.Remote outdoor sensor (EKRSCA1)By default the sensor inside the outdoor unit will be used to measurethe outdoor temperature.As an option the remote outdoor sensor can be installed to measurethe outdoor temperature on another location (e.g. to avoid directsunlight) to have an improved system behaviour.For installation instructions, see the installation manual of the remoteoutdoor sensor.PC configurator (EKPCCAB1)The PC cable makes a connection between the switch box of theindoor unit and a PC. It gives the possibility to upload differentlanguage files to the user interface and indoor parameters to theindoor unit. For the available language files, contact your local dealer.The software and corresponding operating instructions are availableon Daikin Extranet.For installation instructions, see the installation manual of the PCcable.Drain pan kit (EKHBDPCA2)The drain pan is required to drain accumulated condensation fromthe indoor unit. It is required during low temperature coolingoperation of the indoor unit and when the leaving water temperatureis <18°C.For installation of this option into the indoor unit, refer to theinstallation manual delivered with this option kit.Solar kit (EKSOLHW)The solar kit is required to connect the solar application with thedomestic hot water tank.For installation, see the installation manual of the solar kit andaddendum book for optional equipment.Domestic hot water tankThe domestic hot water tank can be connected to the indoor unit forproviding domestic hot water.The domestic hot water tank is available in 2 types:Q Stainless steel tank (EKHWS and EKHWSU (only for UK))There are 3 types available: 150, 200, and 300 liter.Q Enamelled tank (EKHWE and EKHWET (wallmounted version))There are 3 types of EKHWE: 150, 200, and 300 liter.There is 1 type of EKHWET: 150 liter.For installation instructions, see the installation manual of thedomestic hot water tank and addendum book for optional equipment.4.2.2 Possible combinations of indoor unit and outdoor unitINFORMATIONQ The remote indoor sensor can only be used in casethe user interface is configured with room thermostatfunctionality.Q You can only connect either the remote indoor sensoror the remote outdoor sensor.INFORMATIONYou can only connect either the remote indoor sensor orthe remote outdoor sensor.Outdoor unitIndoor unitEHBH16CA3V EHBX16CA3V EHBH16CA9W EHBX16CA9WERHQ011BAV3 O O O OERHQ014BAV3 O O O OERHQ016BAV3 O O O OERLQ011CAV3 O O O OERLQ014CAV3 O O O OERLQ016CAV3 O O O OERHQ011BAW1 O O O OERHQ014BAW1 O O O OERHQ016BAW1 O O O OERLQ011CAW1 O O O OERLQ014CAW1 O O O OERLQ016CAW1 O O O O