11. OPERATING INSTRUCTION1----+----FAN COOLc:m [MQ] [fill� [IB] [ffi] [MlON TNE ,,-, • =-,-, AM I DAILY IOFFTNE fLf ·L LfIERRORI&m.,..Oe) �c:::::)@--+---106 --,-----------:::::::::::i---.......__ ,-----------+--- 72 ---+---(•I* MODE//8 -----+--(e TIMER ( ◄..05 -----+--- RESETCANCELT7.1 6.1DOWN" Keys to increase or1. TEMPERATURE (LCD Display)• To display the set temperature set by the user. press" UP" or "decrease the set temperature. The setting range is between 16° C to 32° C2. MODE• To display the selected operating mode: Cool Mode/Fan Mode3. FAN SPEED• To dis play the selected ventilation speed: LOW/MED/HIGH. Automatic selection for speed, whereby the speed isautomatically adjusted according to the room temperature in only cool mode.4. MENU MODE• Press the menu key "MENU" symbol and all option of menu gets "ON"• MENU can have following option:1) Key Pad Lock.2) Clock Setting.3) Factory Reset.1) Key Pad Lock:-To lock keypad, press Menu Key, MENU symbol and other symbol will get "ON". Only .,-0 this symbol will blink whichindicates that user can toggle the lock keypad status. On pressing Enter key ...,J user can lock or unlock keypad.If lock is activated, "ON/OFF", "FAN SPEED", " MODE", "RESET/CANCEL" and "MENU" key will be active and MenuMode will have only options to unlock keypad.If invalid key is pressed on lock activation, .,-0 symbol flashes 3 times to indicate that keypad is locked.2) Clock Setting:-To change clock timings and day, press "MENU" Key. In Menu mode, user can reach to by left and 0 -CLOCK symbolright key and can enter in clock setting mode by pressing-....1 Enter key when clock symbol blinks.On enter in clock setting mode, other options of Menu Mode will get cleared from screen and 0 & I MOI will start blinking.User can change day with Left or Right key. Press Enter to set day. On set, selected day will get "ON" and "HOUR" of clock willstart blinking. On press LEFT/RIGHT key user can switch between HOUR & MINUTES. Blinking of hour/minute will show that itcan be changed by UP/DOWN Key. When user press Enter Key in this mode, clock gets set with set Hour and minute andgets exit from this mode with 0 clock symbol "ON" with clock time on 88:88�. this window.Note: 1) If user wants to exit from clock setting mode, press RESET/CANCEL Key at any stage of above process.2) AM and PM will change when Hour changes from 12 to 123