English 84 CoolReturn SettingSet toCool 74FLow MediumHighTo change the fan speed,•press the Fan speed controlbutton and select the de-sired fan speed from Low,Medium or High.Only two fan speed adjustment levels, low and*high may be available depending on the typeof indoor unit.The system may be in automatic fan speed*control for equipment protection purposes.The system may be in automatic fan speed*control according to the room temperature. Itis normal for the fan to intermittently stopoperating.It is normal for a delay to occur when chang-*ing the fan speed.5 Adjust Air Flow Direction from the main•menu.If the connected indoor unit model does not*include oscillating louvers this function will notbe available.6 On/OffnuKWhen the On/Off button is•pressed again, the systemwill stop operating and theoperation lamp will turn off.When the system is stopped while in the*heating mode, the fan will continue to operatefor approximately one minute to removeresidual heat from the indoor unit.NOTETo prevent water damage or system failure, do•not immediately remove power from the indoorunit following system operation. Wait at least fi veminutes for the condensate pump to fi nishingdraining residual water from the unit.CHARACTERISTICS OF HEAT MODEThe system automatically controls the follow-ing operating modes to prevent the reductionof heating capacity and space comfort.Defrost operationThe system will automatically go into defrost•operation to prevent frost accumulation at theoutdoor unit and loss of heating capacity.The indoor unit fan will stop, and “• STANDBY ” (De-frost/Hot start) will be displayed on the remotecontroller.The system will return to normal operation usu-•ally within six to eight minutes (but not more than10 minutes).Hot startWhen the system goes into heat mode, the in-•door unit fan will stop in order to prevent a colddraft.(In that case, “ STANDBY ” (Defrost/Hot start) will bedisplayed on the remote controller.)DRY MODEPreparationFor equipment protection purposes, apply power•to the outdoor units at least six hours beforestarting the operation of the system.The dry mode may not be selected if the remote•controller is master controlled and the system isnot already in the cooling mode of operation.OPERATION1 DryReturn SettingPress Mode button several•times until the Dry mode isselected.The dry mode may not be available depend-*ing on the type of indoor unit.