SiENBE07-618_C Application of Silicon Grease to a Power Transistor and a Diode BridgeTrial Operation and Field Settings 1293. Application of Silicon Grease to a PowerTransistor and a Diode BridgeApplicableModelsAll outdoor units using inverter type compressor for room air conditioner.When the printed circuit board (PCB) of an outdoor unit is replaced, it is required that silicongrease (*1) is certainly applied to the heat radiation part (the contact point to the radiation fin) ofthe power transistor and diode bridge.*1: Parts number of the silicon grease – 1172698 (Drawing number 3FB03758-1)Details The silicon grease is an essential article for encouraging the heat radiation of the powertransistor and the diode bridge. Applying the paste should be implemented in accordance withthe following instruction.Remark: There is the possibility of failure with smoke in case of bad heat radiation. Wipe off the old silicon grease completely on a radiation fin. Apply the silicon grease evenly to the whole. Do not leave any foreign object such as solder or paper waste between the power transistorand the radiation fin, and also the diode bridge, and the radiation fin. Tighten the screws of the power transistor and the diode bridge, and contact to the radiationfin without any gap.(R9056)Take out a PCBNot applied. Paper wasteNG : Foreign objectOK : Evenly appliedsilicon grease.NG : Not evenlyappliedPower transistor(TRM, TPM, IGBT, IPM, SPM, etc.)Diode bridge(Diode bridge, Rectifier stack, etc.)