![Dalsa Genie M640 User Manual Manual pdf 83 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/2994860/55b9b627e135d74109da0fe706b67f2783f.jpg)
Genie Monochrome Series-GigE Vision Camera Network Tools • 81Network Card Information and ConfigurationSelect a network card icon in the left pane to see the NIC configuration parameters. The Network Configuration toolensures that no two NIC devices installed in the computer are on the same subnet, since that would create a conflict.A warning message is displayed in such a case, indicating that a settings change is required for one of the NIC.NIC InformationNIC IP and Network Imaging Driver AssignmentFor each NIC, it is possible to configure the IP configuration mode (either DHCP/LLA or Persistent IP) if requiredvia the NIC Configuration tab.Warning: Changing the NIC IP address may put it on a different subnet than the Genie. Changing the NIC IPconfiguration first might cause the case where the camera becomes inaccessible from the NIC.The proper sequence is to first change the camera IP configuration then change the NIC IP.