ParametersFC+24 V+24 VD IND IND INCOMD IND IND IND IN+10 VA INA INCOMA OUTCOMR1R212131819202729323337505354554239010203040506130BB839.10Function Setting4-30 MotorFeedback LossFunction[1] Warning4-31 MotorFeedback SpeedError100 RPM4-32 MotorFeedback LossTimeout5 s7-00 Speed PIDFeedback Source[2] MCB 10217-11 Resolution(PPR)1024*13-00 SLController Mode[1] On13-01 StartEvent[19] Warning13-02 StopEvent[44] Resetkey13-10 Comparator Operand[21] Warningno.13-11 Comparator Operator[1] ≈*13-12 Comparator Value9013-51 SLController Event[22]Comparator 013-52 SLController Action[32] Setdigital out Alow5-40 FunctionRelay[80] SL digitaloutput A*=Default ValueNotes/comments:If the limit in the feedbackmonitor is exceeded, Warning90 is issued. The SLC monitorsWarning 90 and in the casethat Warning 90 becomes TRUEthen relay 1 is triggered.External equipment mayindicate that service is required.If the feedback error goesbelow the limit again within 5s, the frequency convertercontinues and the warningdisappears. But relay 1 is stilltriggered until [Reset] on theLCP.Table 7.13 Using SLC to Set a RelayParametersFC+24 V+24 VD IND IND INCOMD IND IND IND IN+10 VA INA INCOMA OUTCOMR1R212131819202729323337505354554239010203040506130BB841.10Function Setting1-00 Configu-ration Mode[0] Speedopen loop1-01 MotorControl Principle[1] VVC+5-40 FunctionRelay[32] Mech.brake ctrl.5-10 Terminal 18Digital Input[8] Start*5-11 Terminal 19Digital Input[11] Startreversing1-71 Start Delay 0.21-72 StartFunction[5] VVC+/FLUXClockwise1-76 StartCurrentIm,n2-20 ReleaseBrake CurrentApp.dependent2-21 ActivateBrake Speed[RPM]Half ofnominal slipof the motor*=Default ValueNotes/comments:Table 7.14 Mechanical Brake Control (Open Loop)Start (18)Startreversing (19)Relay outputSpeedTimeCurrent1-71 1-712-21 2-211-76OpenClosed130BB842.10Illustration 7.4 Mechanical Brake Control (Open Loop)Application Examples Operating InstructionsMG16D302 Danfoss A/S © Rev. 06/2014 All rights reserved. 577 7