MCD3000 Series42 MG.15.A2.22 – VLT is a registered Danfoss trademarkFault Procedure Code Cause & Action3 Motor thermistor trip.Thermistors in the motor have indicatedan overtemperature state.• Identify and correct the cause of themotor overheating.• Wait for the motor to coolsufficiently to allow a restart.• Reset the MCD3000.• Restart the motor.If no motor thermistors are connected;• Ensure that there is a closed circuitacross the MCD3000 motorthermistor input terminals.4 Phase imbalance trip.An imbalance in phase currents hasexceeded the limits programmed in Par.7 Phase Imbalance Sensitivity.• Check the supply voltage.• Verify the motor circuit.• Reset the MCD3000.• Restart the motor.• Check phase currents.5 Supply frequency trip.The supply frequency has varied outsidethe allowed limits. Refer to Specificationsection.• Identify and correct the cause of thefrequency variations. (Note that theloss of the three phase supply is a0Hz condition and may be thecause of a Supply frequency trip).• Reset the MCD3000.• Restart the motor.6 Phase rotation trip.Phase rotation protection has been setand a prohibited phase rotation hasbeen detected. Refer Par. 11 PhaseRotation Protection.• Correct the phase rotation.• Reset the MCD3000.• Restart the motor.7 Instantaneous overload trip.An instantaneous overload exceedingthe limit programmed in Par. 9Instantaneous Overload Trip Point hasbeen detected.• Identify and correct the cause of theinstantaneous overload.• Reset the MCD3000.• Restart the motor.Code Cause & Action8 Power circuit fault.• Ensure voltage is present on theMCD3000 input terminals (L1, L2 &L3).• Ensure the motor is correctlyconnected to the MCD3000 outputterminals (T1, T2 & T3).• Test the MCD3000 power modules(SCRs) using the SCR Testdescribed later in this section of themanual under the Test andMeasurement Procedures heading.9 Undercurrent trip.Motor run current has fallen below thelimit programmed in Par. 8 UndercurrentTrip Point.• Identify and correct the cause of theundercurrent situation.• Reset the MCD3000.• Restart the motor.c RS485 communications faultThe RS485 link with the MCD3000 hasbeen inactive for a time greater thanprogrammed in Par. 24 SerialCommunication - RS485 Time Out.• Identify and correct the cause of theRS485 failure.• Reset the MCD3000.e EEPROM Read/Write failure.The MCD3000 has been unable toRead/Write to the internal EEPROM.• Contact your nearest Danfossoffice.f Starter overtemperature.An excessive heatsink temperature hasbeen recorded.• Ensure all cooling fans are working.• Ensure cooling air is able to flowfreely into and out of the starter.• Ensure the temperature of thecooling air entering the MCD3000does not exceed the ratedtemperature.• Reset and restart the MCD3000after allowing time for the heatsinkto cool.