MCO 305 Operating Instructions__ Appendix __¾default setting [ ] value for use in communication via serial communication portMG.33.K2.02 – VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 51Par. No.#Parameter name Parameter description DefaultsettingChangesduringoperation4-set-up Conver-sionIndexType33-28 SYNCMFPAR Marker Filter Configuration [0] MarkerFilter 1TRUE 1-set-up Uint833-29 SYNCMFTIME Filter Time for MarkerCorrection0 ms TRUE 1-set-up Int3233-30 SYNCM MAXCORR Max. Marker Correction [0] Off TRUE 1-set-up Uint3233-31 SYNCTYPE Synchronization Type [0] Standard TRUE 1-set-up Uint833-4* Limit Handling33-40 ENDSWMOD Behavior at End LimitSwitch[0] Call errorhandlerTRUE 1-set-up Uint833-41 NEGLIMIT Negative Software EndLimit-500000 qc TRUE 1-set-up Int3233-42 POSLIMIT Positive Software End Limit 500000 qc TRUE 1-set-up Int3233-43 SWNEGLIMACT Negative Software EndLimit Active[0] Inactive TRUE 1-set-up Uint833-44 SWPOSLIMACT Positive Software End LimitActive[0] Inactive TRUE 1-set-up Uint833-45 TESTTIM Time in Target Window 0 ms TRUE 1-set-up Uint833-46 TESTVAL Target Window Limit Value 1 qc TRUE 1-set-up Uint1633-47 TESTWIN Size of Target Window 0 qc TRUE 1-set-up Uint1633-5* I/O Configuration33-50 I_FUNCTION_1 Terminal X57/1 DigitalInput[0] no function TRUE 1-set-up Uint833-51 I_FUNCTION_2 Terminal X57/2 DigitalInput[0] no function TRUE 1-set-up Uint833-52 I_FUNCTION_3 Terminal X57/3 DigitalInput[0] no function TRUE 1-set-up Uint833-53 I_FUNCTION_4 Terminal X57/4 DigitalInput[0] no function TRUE 1-set-up Uint833-54 I_FUNCTION_5 Terminal X57/5 DigitalInput[0] no function TRUE 1-set-up Uint833-55 I_FUNCTION_6 Terminal X57/6 DigitalInput[0] no function TRUE 1-set-up Uint833-56 I_FUNCTION_7 Terminal X57/7 DigitalInput[0] no function TRUE 1-set-up Uint833-57 I_FUNCTION_8 Terminal X57/8 DigitalInput[0] no function TRUE 1-set-up Uint833-58 I_FUNCTION_9 Terminal X57/9 DigitalInput[0] no function TRUE 1-set-up Uint833-59 I_FUNCTION_10 Terminal X57/10 DigitalInput[0] no function TRUE 1-set-up Uint833-60 IOMODE Terminal X59/1 and X59/2Mode[0] Output FALSE 1-set-up Uint833-61 I_FUNCTION_11 Terminal X57/11 DigitalInput[0] no function TRUE 1-set-up Uint8