2.3.2 Control Structure Closed Loop (PI)The internal controller allows the frequency converter to become a part of the controlled system. The frequency converterreceives a feedback signal from a sensor in the system. It then compares this feedback to a setpoint reference value anddetermines the difference, if any, between these 2 signals. It then adjusts the speed of the motor to correct this difference.For example, consider a pump application controlling the speed of a pump to ensure a constant static pressure in a pipe.The desired static pressure value is supplied to the frequency converter as the setpoint reference. A static pressure sensormeasures the actual static pressure in the pipe and supplies this data to the frequency converter as a feedback signal. If thefeedback signal is greater than the setpoint reference, the frequency converter reduces speed to reduce the pressure. In asimilar way, if the pipe pressure is lower than the setpoint reference, the frequency converter automatically speeds up toincrease the pump pressure.ReferenceFeedbackS+-*[-1]PI100%0%100%-100%Scale tospeedTo motorcontrolP 4-10Motor speeddirectionP 4-19Max outputfrequency (Hz)20-81 PINormal/Inversecontrol195NA450.11Illustration 2.14 Closed-loop ControllerWhile the default values for the closed-loop controller often provide satisfactory performance, the control of the system canoften be optimized by adjusting the closed-loop controller parameters.2.4 Local (Hand On) and Remote (Auto On) ControlOperate the frequency converter manually via the localcontrol panel (LCP) or remotely via analog/digital inputs orfieldbus.Start and stop the frequency converter pressing the [HandOn] and [Off/Reset] keys on the LCP. Set-up is required:• Parameter 0-40 [Hand on] Key on LCP.• Parameter 0-44 [Off/Reset] Key on LCP.• Parameter 0-42 [Auto on] Key on LCP.Reset alarms via the [Off/Reset] key or via a digital input,when the terminal is programmed to Reset.130BP046.10Handon Off Autoon ResetIllustration 2.15 LCP Control KeysLocal reference forces the configuration mode to openloop, independent of the setting in parameter 1-00 Configu-ration Mode.Local reference is restored at power-down.Product Overview VLT® DriveMotor FCP 106/FCM 10618 Danfoss A/S © 06/2016 All rights reserved. MG03M20222