5 Commissioning5.1 Before Commissioning5.1.1 Safety GuidelinesWhen commissioing/decommissioning:• Secure the site in accordance with regulations (barrier, warnings, signs, and more). Only qualified personnel is allowed tocommission/recommission the system.• Refer to the guidelines, information, and specifications stated in the operating guide of the relevant programmable control system.• Make sure that no personal injury and/or material damage can occur, even if the plant/machine moves unintentionally.C A U T I O NELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGEElectrostatic discharge can damage components.- Ensure discharge before touching the safety option, for example by touching a grounded, conductive surface or by wearinga grounded armband.W A R N I N GRISK OF ELECTROCUTIONWiring the electrical connections on the drive while voltage is applied can lead to death or serious injury.- Switch off power.- Make sure that the control cabinet is provided with an access lock or warning signs.- DO NOT switch on voltage until the system is commissioned.Refer to the VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/FC 302 Operating Guide for further information on the drive. Refer to the VLT® MotionControl Tool MCT 10 Operating Guide for further information on the Safe Plug-in.5.1.2 Commissioning RequirementsContext:Observe the following:• When setting up the option for the 1st time, ensure to have a commissioning report at hand, see further information in the VLT®Motion Control Tool MCT 10 Operating Guide.N O T I C EOnly LCP SW version 7.0 or newer is supported.Prerequisites:The following components are required to perform the necessary steps for commissioning the safety option:CommissioningInstallation Guide | VLT® Safety Option MCB 150/151AQ279747441421en-000101 / 130R029252 | Danfoss A/S © 2018.09