CE870 Instant Issuance System Installation and Administrator’s Guide 73ActivityLogThe ActivityLog settings allow you to record technical information about the printer. WebAdminor WebService access-level users can change settings in the activity log to help troubleshoot andisolate a card production problem. You specify the types of actions to include in the logs and setthe severity level for when the action should be written to the log. Filter severity level optionsinclude: Critical, Error, Warning, Notice, Information, Debug, Disabled. ExternalLog—Enable or disable writing the activity log to an external Syslog server. ExternalLogServer—Specify the IP address of the external Syslog server if you are writing toan external log (ExternalLog is set to Enabled). FilterCardActions—Write the start and completion of a card action with the specifiedseverity, and higher, to the activity log. FilterConfigChanges—Write configuration change actions with the specified severity, andhigher, to the activity log. FilterJobStates—Write changes to the state of a print or exception job with the specifiedseverity, and higher, to the activity log. FilterSoapMsgs—Write DPCL/Soap (Simple Object Access Protocol) messages from theprinter with the specified severity, and higher, to the activity log. FilterSystem—Write system information with the specified severity, and higher, to theactivity log. A value of Information results in most events being written to the log. InternalLog—Enable or disable the activity log on the printer.Description Default Value Current Value (unit)1) ExternalLog Disabled Disabled2) ExternalLogServer FilterCardActions Notice Notice4) FilterConfigChanges Notice Notice5) FilterJobStates Notice Notice6) FilterSoapMsgs Notice Notice7) FilterSystem Notice Notice8) InternalLog Enabled Enabled