Page 9Textile type Programme LoadWhite and colouredCotton and Linen,Towels, Shirts,Sheets, Table cloths,Napkins.Cupboard dryIron dry3-6kg.Easy care,Synthetics,Mixed fabrics.Cupboard dry 1.5-3kgProgramme selection guideChoose the appropriate programme from thetable below. Select the desired programmewith the programme selection button.Programme progress indicatorsThis vertical row of indicators show whichphase of the drying cycle is operational.“Drying”The Drying LED will glow during the “Drying”process.“Iron Dry”The Iron dry LED will glow during “Iron dry”process.“Cupboard dry”The Cupboard dry LED will glow during“Cupboard dry” process.“End/ Anti-creasing”The End/Anti-creasing LED will glow during“End/Anti-creasing ” process.If more than one LED flashes concurrently, itmeans there is a malfunction or a failure(please see Trouble shooting).Xtra dry Dry at high temperature onlyfor cotton laundry. Thick andmulti layered laundry ( towels,linens, jeans etc.) are driedin a way that they do notrequire ironing before placingin the wardrobe.Cupboard dry Normal laundry ( tablecloths,underwear etc.) are dried in away that they do not requireironing before placing in thedrawers.Cupboarddry plusNormal laundry ( tablecloths,underwear etc.) are dried in away that they do not requireironing before placing in thedrawers, but more than thosein the cupboard dry option.Iron Dry Normal laundry (Shirts, dressesetc.) are dried ready to beironed.Programme recommendationsIf the dryness level is not satisfactory set theprogramme selector to one of the timedprogrammes. 60 ,.40, 20, or 10 minutes