24 Part Number: 9291468 07/16Maintenance Section 4FT2, LT & TT Series Self-Leveling DispensersAdjustingTools Needed• Small flat head screw driver• Phillips head screw drivernWarningWear safety glasses when adjusting your dispenser.Also, lock brakes on mobile units before beginning.1. Unload dispenser and remove stainless steel load trayby lifting straight up and set it aside. For LT Models skipto step #5.RetainerRetainerElevator HousingsLoad TrayRemove Load Tray2. Use small regular screw driver to loosen each retainermounted on stainless steel rod at top of each elevatorhousing.3. To remove elevator housing, lift housing straight upto clear the stud on unit base. Then gently swing thebottom of the housing towards the inside of the unitand pull housing out of the unit. Lay housing on flatsurface.Remove Elevator Housing4. Use Phillips head screw driver to remove front panel onthe elevator housing.Remove Screws,Slide Cover OffRemove Front Panel5. If carrier is riding too high, you need to remove springs.With carrier all the way to the top, gently disengageone spring at a time, unhooking bottom loop out ofcarrier bracket. Remove as many springs as necessary.If carrier is riding too low, you need to add springs. Withcarrier all the way to the top, gently engage one springat a time by hooking bottom loop of spring into carrier