60 Using Your ProjectorWhy am I unable to access theSMTP server?1 Check with your MIS or networkadministrator whether the SMTP serverfunction is open for the projector and the IPassigned to the projector is allowed to accessthe SMTP server. The projector’s SMTPsocket port number is 25, this cannot bechanged.2 Check if the out going SMTP server, username, and password are set correctly.3 Some SMTP servers will check whether themail address of "From" correlates with the"User name" and "Password". For example,you use test@dell.com as the mail address in"From". You should also use test@dell.comaccount information for the User name andthe password to log in the SMTP server.Why am I unable to receive thetest alert email even though theprojector already indicates thetest mail is already sent?It could be because the SMTP serverrecognized the alert mail as a spam mail orbecause of the SMTP server restriction. Checkwith your MIS or network administrator forthe SMTP server’s setting.