w w w . d e l l . c o m | s u p p o r t . d e l l . c o m64 Scheduling and Communicating5 To see all available fields, tap the input panel icon to hide it. Enterthe remaining information, if necessary.6 To add notes, tap the Notes tab.You can enter text, draw, or create a recording. For more informationon creating notes, see "Notes" on page 68.7 When you have finished entering information, tap OK to return tothe calendar.To receive a notification for an appointment, select Remind me in theappointment settings. You can configure notifications through theSounds & Notifications icon. For more information, see "Notifications"on page 76.Using the Summary ScreenWhen you tap an appointment in Calendar, a summary screen displays.To change the appointment, tap Edit.Creating Meeting RequestsYou can use Calendar to set up meetings with users of Outlook or PocketOutlook. The meeting request is automatically created when yousynchronize Inbox or when you connect to your e-mail server. To set howyou want meeting requests sent, tap Tools and tap Options. If you sendand receive e-mail messages through ActiveSync, select ActiveSync.To schedule a meeting:1 Create an appointment.2 On the Appointment tab, tap the input panel to hide it, and thentap Attendees.The Attendees field lists the e-mail addresses that you have enteredin Contacts.3 Select the meeting attendees.The meeting notice is created automatically and placed in theOutbox folder.