Troubleshooting and Maintenance 117FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\bruce_wylie\Documents\~DellDocs\~FINAL_DR4000_1.0.1.1_DOCS\~Final_1.0.1.1_DR4000_Admin_Guide_Files\~3-D E L L C O N F I D E N T I A L – P R E L I M I N A R Y 4 / 5 / 1 2 - F O R P R O O F O N LYAbout the Diagnostics ServiceThe Diagnostics service in the DR4000 system lets you display, collect, andmanage your system’s diagnostic log file bundles. Diagnostic log file bundlesprovide:• A current snapshot of system operations• System-related information that assists in understanding systemoperations• A record of system operations in case Dell Support needs to providetechnical assistanceTo access this functionality, use the following DR4000 system GUI option inthe navigation panel:• SupportDiagnostics.The Diagnostics service works by collecting all the system-related informationthat could help when diagnosing a problem or error condition in the system.For more information about diagnostics log file bundles, see "About theDiagnostics Page and Options" on page 74.Diagnostics runs as a service during system startup, and this process listensfor incoming requests. There are two modes in which the diagnosticscollection process is started:• Admin-Generated mode: when a DR4000 CLI or DR4000 GUI requestis made by the administrator (and the default reason that is listed isadmin-generated).• Auto-Generated mode: when a process or service failure is reported, theDR4000 system starts collecting system-related information. After itcompletes the auto-generated collection, it generates a system event.When a log directory exceeds the maximum storage capacity, the oldest logsare automatically deleted. The DR4000 system GUI lets you download andsave diagnostics log files to other systems on your network.For more information, see "Downloading Diagnostics Log Files" on page 74,and "Generating a Diagnostics Log File" on page 75.NOTE: When you generate a diagnostics log file bundle, it contains all of theDR4000 system information that may be needed when contacting Dell Support fortechnical assistance.