Copyright © 2010 Caringo, Inc.All rights reserved 19Version 5.0December 2010HTTP/1.1 505 HTTP Version not supportedDate: Wed, 1 Sept 2010 15:59:02 GMTServer: CAStor Cluster 5.0.0Allow: GET, HEAD,POST,PUT, DELETEConnection: closeContent-Length: 0Content-Type: text/htmlThe preceding response indicates a request was received with an HTTP version other than 1.1. DXStorage supports HTTP/1.1 only.4.6. Normal Response HeadersThe following table shows normal response headers that can be returned with SCSP operations.Information specific to particular SCSP operations is discussed in later chapters later in this book.Unless otherwise noted, these headers are returned for buckets, named objects, and unnamedanchor stream objects.The only supported operations for unnamed immutable objects are WRITE, DELETE, READ, andINFO. Other operations return a 403 (Forbidden) response.The only supported operations for domains are READ, INFO, COPY, UPDATE, and APPEND.WRITE and DELETE require cluster administrator credentials and are not supported from thecommand line.The cluster administrator must use the Admin Console to create and delete domains.Header SCSP operations MeaningAge READ, INFO Standard HTTP header that is returned whenan object is served from the DX Storage contentcache.Allow All For a GET / request, returns the completelist of all implemented methods the clusterunderstands.For a request on a specific object, returns thelist of allowed operations for that object.Cache-Control READ, INFO Standard HTTP header. Returned as metadata;exactly matches what was sent with the objecton WRITE.Castor-AuthorizationREAD, INFO,DELETEIf present, shows the object's authorizationspecification (that is, the realms that are allowedto perform SCSP operations on the object).For more information, see Section 12.3, “AboutAuthorization Header Syntax”Castor-Stream-Type READ, INFO,DELETEDomains and buckets only. Usually displaysadmin. This header is not currentlyimplemented but it is recommended for allauthenticated objects.Castor-System-Alias All except WRITE Domains, buckets, and unnamed objects only.The object's UUID. This UUID cannot be usedfor any SCSP operation on a domain, bucket, ornamed object. You can use it to perform SCSP