Copyright © 2010 Caringo, Inc.All rights reserved 25Version 5.0December 2010Expires: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 19:40:23 GMTAllow: HEAD, GET, PUT, POST, COPY, APPEND, DELETE[application meta-information]Date: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 23:27:03 GMTServer: CAStor Cluster/5.0.0[content-stream]This response means the node to which the request was sent is returning the requested content inthe message body of the response.5.3.3. Other Normal READ ResponsesThis section shows other normal READ responses, which apply to both named and unnamedobjects.HTTP/1.1 206 PartialContent Date: Wed, 1 Sept 2010 15:59:02 GMTServer: CAStor Cluster 5.0.0Content-Length: 500[ application-meta-information ]CRLF[ content-stream ]When a READ request includes one or more Range headers, a successful response from DXStorage includes only the requested bytes range(s). In this case, instead of returning a 200 OKresponse, DX Storage returns a 206 Partial Content response, indicating that only part of the storedstream is being returned. The application-meta-information and content-stream are the same as inthe preceding example.HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyDate: Wed, 1 Sept 2010 15:59:02 GMTServer: CAStor Cluster/5.0.0Location: http://cluster-ip/name-or-uuid?auth=2096EFA659295BBB819D1FECCE77D2EFContent-Length: 0The preceding response means the requested stream has been located, but another node in thecluster will supply the content. Furthermore, all future requests of this DX Storage cluster should bemade through the new access node until another 301 response is received. There is no message-body, so the content length is always 0. The value of the Location header indicates which node inthe cluster the redirect should go to. The client is expected to send another READ request using theexact URI contained in the Location header.HTTP/1.1 307 Temporary RedirectDate: Wed, 1 Sept 2010 15:59:02 GMTServer: CAStor Cluster/5.0.0Connection: closeLocation: http://cluster-ip/name-or-uuid?auth=2096EFA659295BBB819D1FECCE77D2EFContent-Length: 0The preceding response is similar to the 301 response, except the client should continue to use thecurrent node (the one generating this response) for future requests until further notice.5.4. Error Responses to READThe DX Storage cluster can return the following responses when the specified content cannot befound or there is a problem with the READ request itself.