Copyright © 2010 Caringo, Inc.All rights reserved 40Version 5.0December 2010A DX Storage cluster responds to the INFO request with one of several possible response codes,depending on whether the request can be fulfilled or not.11.2. Unnamed Object INFO DetailsTo INFO an unnamed anchor stream, add the alias=yes query argument to the URI portion ofthe HTTP request line, as shown in the following example. Failure to include the ?alias=yesargument for an anchor stream info results in a 403 (Forbidden) response from DX Storage.HEAD /41A140B5271DC8D22FF8D027176A0821?alias=yes HTTP/1.1Host: cluster.example.comUser-Agent: DX Storage Client/0.111.3. Normal Responses to INFOFor a list of response headers, see Section 4.6, “Normal Response Headers”.See one of the following topics for more information:• Section 11.3.1, “Normal INFO Responses for Named and Unnamed Objects”• Section 11.3.2, “Normal INFO Responses for Named Objects”• Section 11.3.3, “Normal INFO Responses for Unnamed Objects”11.3.1. Normal INFO Responses for Named and Unnamed ObjectsThe following responses might be returned by the DX Storage cluster in the case where therequested content was found. The content's meta-information can be returned directly by the nodeto which the request was sent, or the request might be redirected to another node in the cluster.HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyDate: Wed, 1 Sept 2010 15:59:02 GMTServer: CAStor Cluster/v8b2Connection: closeLocation: http://node-ip/name-or-uuid?auth=2096EFA659295BBB819D1FECCE77D2EFContent-Length: 0The preceding response means the requested stream has been located, but that another nodein the cluster will service the request for meta-information. Furthermore, all future requests of thisDX Storage cluster should be made through the new access node until another 301 response isreceived.There is no message-body, so the content length is always 0.The value of the Location header indicates which node in the cluster the redirect should go to. Theclient is expected to send another INFO request using the exact URI contained in the Locationheader.HTTP/1.1 307 Temporary RedirectDate: Wed, 1 Sept 2010 15:59:02 GMTServer: CAStor Cluster/5.0.0Location: http://node-ip/name-or-uuid?auth=2096EFA659295BBB819D1FECCE77D2EFContent-Length: 0This response is similar to the 301 response, except the client should continue to use the currentnode (the one generating this response) for future requests until further notice.