Table 18. Documentation resources (continued)Task Document LocationFor information about updating drivers andfirmware, see the Methods to download firmwareand drivers section in this your system For information about system managementsoftware offered by Dell, see the DellOpenManage Systems Management OverviewGuide. information about setting up, using, andtroubleshooting OpenManage, see the DellOpenManage Server Administrator User’s >OpenManage Server AdministratorFor information about installing, using, andtroubleshooting Dell OpenManage Enterprise, seethe Dell OpenManage Enterprise User’s Guide. information about installing and using DellSupportAssist, see the Dell EMC SupportAssistEnterprise User’s Guide. information about partner programsenterprise systems management, see theOpenManage Connections Enterprise SystemsManagement documents. with theDell PowerEdge RAIDcontrollersFor information about understanding the featuresof the Dell PowerEdge RAID controllers (PERC),Software RAID controllers, or BOSS card anddeploying the cards, see the Storage eventand error messagesFor information about the event and errormessages generated by the system firmware andagents that monitor system components, go > Look Up > Error Code, type theerror code, and then click Look it yoursystemFor information about identifying andtroubleshooting the PowerEdge server issues,see the Server Troubleshooting Guide. Documentation resources