LCD panelThe LCD panel provides system information, status, and error messages to indicate if the system is functioning correctly orrequires attention. The LCD panel is used to configure or view the iDRAC IP address of the system. For information about theevent and error messages generated by the system firmware and agents that monitor system components, go to >Look Up > Error Code, type the error code, and then click Look it up..The LCD panel is available only on the optional front bezel. The optional front bezel is hot pluggable.The status and conditions of the LCD panel are outlined here:● The LCD backlight is white during normal operating conditions.● If there is an issue, the LCD backlight turns amber and displays an error code followed by descriptive text.NOTE: If the system is connected to a power source and an error is detected, the LCD turns amber regardless ofwhether the system is powered on or off.● When the system powers off and there are no errors, the LCD enters the standby mode after five minutes of inactivity.Press any button on the LCD to power it on.● If the LCD panel stops responding, remove the bezel and reinstall it.If the problem persists, see Getting help.● The LCD backlight remains off if LCD messaging is powered off using the iDRAC utility, the LCD panel, or other tools.Figure 143. LCD panel featuresTable 41. LCD panel featuresItem Button ordisplay Description1 Left Moves the cursor back in one-step increments.2 Select Selects the menu item highlighted by the cursor.3 Right Moves the cursor forward in one-step increments.During message scrolling:● Press and hold the right button to increase scrolling speed.● Release the button to stop.NOTE: The display stops scrolling when the button is released. After 45 seconds of inactivity,the display starts scrolling.4 LCD display Displays the system information, status, and error messages or iDRAC IP address.Viewing Home screenThe Home screen displays user-configurable information about the system. This screen is displayed during normal systemoperation when there are no status messages or errors. When the system turns off and there are no errors, LCD enters thestandby mode after five minutes of inactivity. Press any button on the LCD to turn it on.Steps1. To view the Home screen, press one of the three navigation buttons (Select, Left, or Right).2. To navigate to the Home screen from another menu, complete the following steps:a. Press and hold the navigation button till the up arrow is displayed.b. Navigate to the Home icon using the up arrow .System diagnostics and indicator codes 135