So l v i ng P r o bl e m s 43Modem and Internet ConnectionProblemsNOTICE: Connect the modem to an analog telephone wall jack only.Connecting the modem to a digital telephone network damages the modem.NOTICE: Modem and network connectors look similar. Do not plug atelephone line into the network connector.HINT: If you can connectto your Internet serviceprovider (ISP), yourmodem is functioningproperly. If you are surethat your modem isworking properly and youstill experience problems,contact your ISP.VE RI FY TH AT TH E PR IN TE R IS R E CO G NI Z ED B Y W I ND O W SWindows XP1 Click the Start button.2 Click Control Panel.3 Click Printers and Other Hardware.4 Click View installed printers or fax printers. If your printer model is listed,right-click the printer name.5 Click Properties, and then select the Ports tab. Ensure that the Print to thefollowing port(s): setting is USB.Windows Me and Windows 20001 Click the Start button, point to Settings, and then click Printers.If your printer model is listed, right-click the printer icon.2 Click Properties, and then select the Details tab in Windows Me and the Porttab in Windows 2000. Ensure that the Print to the following port(s): setting isUSB.RE INS T A LL TH E PR IN TE R DR I VE R — See page 20.C HE CK T HE TE L EP HO NE W A LL J A CK — Disconnect the telephone linefrom the modem and connect it to a telephone. Listen for a dial tone. Ensurethat you have touchtone telephone service. Try connecting the modem to adifferent telephone wall jack.C ON NE C T T HE MO D E M D IR E CT LY TO T HE TE L EP HO NE W A L L J A CK —If you have other telephone devices sharing the line, such as an answeringmachine, fax machine, surge protector, or line splitter, then bypass them andconnect the modem directly to the telephone wall jack with the telephone Page 43 Friday, September 28, 2001 1:37 PM